Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Inkless photo printer that can be used in digital cameras

There is one more way to print your favorite pictures now. You can do it using no ink. That means that photo printers will become hand-held and you will be able to carry them around and print pictures whenever you want. No need to get home or to a shop to print out the pictures anymore.

Palaroid Company has invented a new way to print pictures. Now their printers do not use ink to print. These printing gadgets can be built into phones or digital cameras. The product will appear on market in the end of year 2007. 

The principle of work is very simple; the paper is changing its color when heat is applied. So applying certain amount of heat will make the piece of paper change color to a specific one. You will not have to have liquid ink cartridges in your printer. 

The paper that is used is not usual. It is originally white plastic that has several very thin layers. The layers are micro-thin layers of different colors: yellow on top, then goes magenta and on the very bottom cyan. When heat is applied the paper changes it color thanks to the different color layers. 

When the heat is applied to the surface of the paper, the size and shape of the dye molecules changes from crystal to amorphous glasses and allows you to see the layer beneath it, releasing the color. The temperature and exposure on every pixel is controlled and you will be able to make some good pictures right after you have taken the shot. The yellow layer needs the highest temperature and has the shortest melting time. The magenta layer needs lower temperature and some more time to melt, and finally the cyan layer needs lowest temperature and longest exposure time to melt. This is how you can have color pictures at your hands any time you want.

A picture 5 cm x 7.5 cm will take about 30 seconds to print. Good speed for a new technology. However, the picture size is not that big. I think that it would take this new technology very long to replace our standard ways of printing photos. Old-fashion way of making photos is much faster and less expensive.

The printer will cost you about 0 and 100 sheets will cost you $ 20 so you should thing what you would like to buy. It is a pretty big price for something like that. We will se how good the pictures will be.


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