Friday, May 29, 2009

New American flying car

Americans are first to show the future. A flying car named Transition is a first product of American company Terrafugia. An American company Terrafugia conducted first tests of their first product, a flying car named Transition. This is reported to be a real roadable aircraft giving a chance to explore both the roads and the sky. Terrafugia considers it to be a personal air vehicle.

According to official report, the innovation is certified to be used on public roads. The flying car is able to take off from any runway, however the Transition pilot will have to have a special driving license. The company representatives insist that such a license can be obtained after having taken special courses which include 20 flight hours. 

It is a front wheel drive vehicle when used on public roads which is driven by a usual gasoline engine. The air vehicle uses the powerful 100 HP propeller engine Rotax 912S while flying in the sky. Transformation from a usual car to a real aircraft takes just 30 seconds. It is the exact time needed for the car to fold its wings to be ready for a flight. Cruising range is about 724 flight hours with a top speed of 185 kilometers per hour. If driven on public roads, Transition car will be able to drive as much as 105 kilometers without refueling.

It is now far from full-scale production of this marvelous flying car but the company intends to improve its design with more additional tests to come both on public roads and in the air. A new prototype is going to be developed. Popularity rating shows that the Transition car is already being customized. Upfront payment amounts to 10 000 US dollars while purchase price is 194 000 US dollars. The Transition air vehicle is expected to be released in 2011. Drivers will drive the vehicle to an airport where they will be allowed to take off of 100 to 500 miles. The transition air vehicle is designed for two people including luggage and is going to be operated via unleaded gas. So let's face the future with all its miracles to come.


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