Saturday, May 30, 2009

Enjoy music with Music Balloon USB speaker

Have you ever had some problems cycling and listening to your mp3 player at the same time? It sounds dangerous, but here is a perfect choice which is offered by International’s Music Balloon making it possible to ride your bicycle while hearing what happens from the outside. Being colorful, this intelligent electronic gadget allows you listening to your favorite music safely. 

Whether you use iPod or mp3 player, this perfectly looking gizmo can be a helpful for using on a daily basis. The Music Balloon features a battery capable to last for about 5 hours providing you as much comfort as possible. The Music Balloon comes in five different colors ranging from yellow, red, pink, blue and black. You may easily connect your new gizmo into your PC’s USB port and start listening. 

Being a plug and play gadget, The Music Balloon weighs just 20 grams while measuring 55 × 55 × 55 millimeters so it is an ultra portable device. These USB speakers can be easily charged via your PC’s USB port. Once charged, it can give you a new musical experience. The Music Balloon features a 3, 5 millimeters stereo audio jack. These small USB speakers can be bought for $ 76. Looking like a mike, it also comes with an amplifier of 0.7W.


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