Wednesday, May 27, 2009

High storage capacity with new king-sized DVD concept

It is believed now by Australian researchers that due to nanotechnology progress, DVD capacity can be increased to be 2000-fold while no changes of the size of the disc are expected. Until now, there was not any possibility to store all your home movies collection on one disk but thanks to efforts of researchers from Melbourne's Swinburne University ofTechnology, this concept happens to advance.

The idea becomes more realistic owing to a new nano-particles study conducted by Australian researchers. The difference is a number of dimensions being present in DVD. Standard DVD has only 3 spatial dimensions while new king sized DVD offered by Swinburne team features two extra dimensions designed to both record data color and polarization. 

The color dimension used for writing and reading data was developed by placing nano rods to the surface of the disk. Depending on its shape, nano particles respond to light what makes it possible to record data in another wavelengths but using the same disc location. These super high capacity disks are expected to be useful for different target audience, including military, medical and other services. 

Actually, a regular DVD uses only 0, 1 percent of volume while the researchers demonstrate how new high technologies can extend its storage capacity to 52 layers with plans to increase it up to 300 layers. Principle of operation of polarization dimension allows researchers to record various layers at different angles. The product is schedule for a release within 5 - 10 years.


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