Friday, May 29, 2009

Car that runs on... air!

One of the most significant problems of modern times is ecology problem. Each and every car, that is running on fossil fuels is harming our planet and make the ecology situation even worse. However, that is not all. Energy problem, which is based on fact that our oil resources are limited, is threatening us more every year. Oil prices jump sky-high and there is no reason for them to be reduced. Alternative fuel is a much-anticipated invention, but unfortunately, other alternative fuel projects were very ineffective. Nevertheless, one of them looks very promising. According to that project, possible fuel of the future will be... compressed air!

It sounds fantastic, isn’t it? Is it possible for a machine to be powered by air? Yes, it is. Of course not just simple air that you are breathing now - it must be compressed to be useful. Compressed air under high pressure pushes engines pistons, and when used, returns to atmosphere absolutely clean. The tank is enough for 200 kilometers, and the max speed is amazing - 110 kilometers per hour!

This car is not only ecological pure, it can save you a lot of money on fuel! One full refueling costs about 1.5 Euros, which is roughly equals to 2 liters of usual gas! If an average car needs 8-10 liters of gas on 100 km, taking price on gas as 1 euro per liter, it means 16-20 Euros for 200 km, 10 times more expensive than this air machine! Refueling will be simple - few minutes with an air compressor attached, and you are ready to go another 200 km.

Its inventor, former Formula 1 engineer, worked for a decade and a half on this marvelous project. It is a product of hard work, and he hopes that his project will not be unnoticed. Several Indian companies are already interested in this concept, and first public available cars will appear later this year. The cost is very affordable - 3500 Euros for the cheapest model. Manufacturers are planning to release this amazing environment-saving car in Europe and India. Hope this is not the last step for environment saving technologies, and we will see more 


Tauseef Aslam May 29, 2009 at 7:59 AM  

good.keep it up to date.this is amazing idea

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