Monday, June 22, 2009

Babyglow to detect when your baby has a fever

The kids are the love of our lives and quite obviously if would be an ingenious idea if children could tell us when they are ill. What is interesting is that Chris Ebejer aged 42 seems to have known about how make our dreams materialize with his novel concept of baby suit he designed for us. Dubbed Babyglows, this smart innovation appears to be a color changing suit to let us know that the children are getting too hot.

Chris Ebejer has spent many years and money to make it possible for children to have this intelligent cotton suit. This is going to be an invaluable gadget for every mother and you will find it easy to use. Once the temperature of your child was risen, the color of the garment would be changed and here is the point when the urgent actions should be taken.

In order to identify the temperature of your baby’s body, special heat sensitive ink pigments are used with Chris Ebejer who used at least 700 000 pounds of them to come this helpful suit to life. So be ready to visit a doctor, once the suit has a white color. This handy suit is expected to go on sale in October with each of them costing 32, 70 USD with 3 different colors available, blue, pink and green.

Heat is rated to be the factor of meningitis as well as sudden infant death so using these Babyglows will make it possible for you to prevent your child from any potential risk caused by heat.


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