Tuesday, September 22, 2009

0-60 Magazine D. Y. I. R-CADE for ultimate Need For Speed: Shift experience

The idea of personal space for working named cabinet is sure helpful if you boss wants you to be productive. But what if you want your leisure to be productive? And, oh yeah, coincidently, you happen to be a computer racing simulator fan. Then you almost certainly you have caught yourself thinking that you must have a gaming simulator at some point. To be honest, this really is ridiculous, well at least a bit: it costs whooping aging saloon money, you can’t actually use it for anything other than playing racing games and you shouldn’t reveal it to your sweetheart before you marry her as much as you shouldn’t do it afterwards. A dead-end? – No. Guys from 0-60 Magazine have recently worked their way to an affordable computerized cabinet so that you won’t need to look back bringing your dream to life.

0-60 Magazine have managed to squeeze their "D. Y. I. R-CADE" driving console into just half a thousand dollars in which you just pop in your existing gaming rig and set off burning rubber. The proposed set-up includes a PlayStation 3, Samsung LN40b550 40 inch LED monitor, Logitech G27 steering wheel, Logitech G51 5.1 surround sound system and a Sparco Chrono Road seat and lot of MDF sheets, plywood sheets, bolts, nails, nuts… But don’t wary though because 0-60 have got everything figured out in their downloadable PDF guide to your very personal D. Y. I. R-CADE pictured above. As you noticed, they have dedicated their guide and its end-result to the recently released Need For Speed: Shift.

They also have a sweepstake going on for US residents. Prizes are pretty much exactly what you need for your racing cabinet.


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