Monday, July 27, 2009

Solar-powered blimp for transatlantic adventure

Have you dreamt of flying on board of jumbo blimp? Spanish company seems to have a key to making your dream realized. Developed by Spanish company, this blimp is powered by solar power and is designed for transatlantic cruising. This green means of transportation flies silently and seems to be flight worthy. Turtle Airships offers sustainable flights while this high tech blimp harnessing the solar energy.

The prototype is expected to be a remotely controllable replica with plans to create the manned version of the blimp. The company’s expectations are to fly the first ever manned blimp while doing it in ecologically friendly way. This monstrous flying blimp is supposed to operate thanks to 2 state of the art propulsion technologies.

Producing around 45KW thanks to CIG PV cells, this airship reaches the maximum speed of 40 miles per hour on average weather conditions. In addition to CIG PV cells, the solar powered blimp is equipped with diesel drive trains for those non sunny situations. Its unparalleled design makes it possible for a blimp to fly in any weather condition while keeping your comfort and safety at high level.

This innovative way to fly allows extensive reduction of carbon emissions while diesel drive trains operate in cloudy weather or at night. The company is expected to offer free aerial rides for a few thousand people so we are looking forward to becoming one of those happy cruisers.


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